8 inch TFT LCD Screen Purchasing Guide: Five Key Points that Cannot be Ignored

source:HiFLYZX read:1 time:2023-11-09 18:24:13 tag: 8 inch LCD screen 8 inch LCD screen price 8 inch LCD screen manufacturer

  In today's electronic product market, the 8 inch TFT LCD screen is a product that has attracted much attention. It is widely used in various devices such as tablets, mobile phones, digital cameras, etc. However, when purchasing an 8 inch TFT LCD screen, there are some points that cannot be ignored. This article will introduce you to five key points to help you choose a suitable 8 inch TFT LCD screen.

8 inch TFT LCD screen

  1. Understand screen size and resolution

  When purchasing an 8 inch TFT LCD screen, you must first understand the size and resolution of the screen. The size determines the viewing area of the screen, while the resolution determines the clarity and fineness of the screen. If the screen size you buy is too small, it may not meet your usage needs; and if the resolution is too low, it will affect your visual experience. Therefore, before purchasing, choose the appropriate screen size and resolution based on your actual needs.

  2. Pay attention to screen material and type

  The material and type of the 8 inch TFT LCD screen are also factors that need to be considered. The main LCD screen materials currently on the market include IPS, VA, TN, etc. Among them, the IPS screen has a wider viewing angle and better color performance, but the response speed is relatively slow; the VA screen has a high contrast and fast response speed, but the viewing angle is relatively small; and the TN screen has a relatively low response speed. Price and fast response times, but poor viewing angles and color performance. Therefore, when purchasing, you should choose the appropriate screen material and type according to your needs.

  3. Consider screen brightness and contrast

  Screen brightness and contrast are important factors that affect the visual experience. Brightness determines the readability of the screen in various environments, while contrast determines the vividness and layering of colors on the screen. When purchasing an 8 inch TFT LCD screen, you should pay attention to the parameters of screen brightness and contrast, and consider your own usage environment and needs. Generally speaking, the brightness must be above 300cd/m2 and the contrast ratio must be above 500:1 to ensure good visual effects.

  4. Check the viewing angle of the screen

  Viewing angle refers to the angle range at which the screen can be clearly viewed. When purchasing an 8 inch TFT LCD screen, you should pay attention to whether the viewing angle of the screen meets your needs. Generally speaking, the viewing angle must reach more than 170 degrees to ensure that there will be no blur or color distortion when viewing the screen within a larger range. If your device needs to be viewed by multiple people or used for business presentations, a screen with a larger viewing angle will be more suitable.

  5. Confirm the response speed of the screen

  Finally, when purchasing an 8 inch TFT LCD screen, you also need to pay attention to the response speed of the screen. Response speed refers to how quickly the screen responds to input signals. If the response speed is slow, it will cause problems such as smearing and afterimages on the screen, affecting the visual effect. Generally speaking, the response speed of an 8 inch TFT LCD screen should be below 25 milliseconds to ensure better visual effects. If your device needs to be used for games or the display of high-speed dynamic images, a screen with a faster response speed will be more suitable.

  In summary, you need to pay attention to five key points when purchasing an 8 inch TFT LCD screen: understand the screen size and resolution, pay attention to the screen material and type, consider the screen brightness and contrast, check the viewing angle of the screen, and confirm the response speed of the screen . Only by comprehensively considering these factors and making a choice based on your actual needs can you purchase a suitable 8 inch TFT LCD screen and obtain a better visual experience.

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