Necessary knowledge and process analysis for customizing LCD screens

source:HiFLYZX read:3 time:2023-08-10 19:45:18 tag: Custom LCD screen custom display custom touch screen custom display manufacturers

In the era of rapid technological development, liquid crystal display technology is widely used in various electronic products. For some consumers or businesses with special needs, they need to customize LCD screens to meet their needs. This article will introduce you to the important knowledge and process of custom LCD screens, and help you better understand and choose custom LCD screens.

1. Knowledge necessary for customizing LCD screens

1. The principle of liquid crystal display is the basic principle of manufacturing LCD liquid crystal screens. It changes the transmission and blocking of light by controlling the electric field of liquid crystal molecules, thereby realizing image display.

2. When customizing the LCD screen, we need to determine the size and resolution of the screen according to actual needs. The size of the screen determines the size of the display area, while the resolution determines the number of pixels that can be displayed on the screen.


3. Touch technology: In applications that require touch interaction, choosing the right touch technology is an important consideration for customizing LCD screens. Common touch technologies include capacitive touch and resistive touch.

4. Brightness and contrast are important indicators for evaluating the display effect of LCD screens. Brightness determines the brightness level of the screen, while contrast determines the clarity and color reproduction of the image.

2. The customization process of LCD LCD screen can be divided into the following steps to analyze.

1. Determine requirements: First, we need to clarify our requirements, including parameters such as screen size, resolution, touch technology, brightness, and contrast. According to our actual application requirements, select the appropriate LCD screen model.

2. Communicate with suppliers: You can find suppliers of LCD screens through Internet search, participation in exhibitions, etc., and contact them to learn about product specifications, prices, delivery cycles and other related information.

3. Confirmation sample: If the supplier provides a sample, we can order it first for testing. By testing the samples, we can verify whether the LCD screen meets our needs.

4. Technical communication: conduct technical communication with suppliers, and elaborate on their own needs and requirements. Suppliers will provide technical solutions and quotations according to requirements.

5. Order confirmation: reach an agreement with the supplier and confirm the order according to the technical plan and quotation. The two parties sign a contract specifying specific details such as product specifications, prices, and delivery dates.

6. Production and delivery: The supplier will start producing LCD screens according to the time stipulated in the contract and deliver them on time. Before delivery, the products can be inspected and tested to confirm the product quality.

7. After-sales service: If there is a problem during use, you can contact the supplier for after-sales service. Supplier will provide appropriate technical support and problem resolution.

You can go through the process of customizing your LCD screen smoothly. Remember, choosing the right supplier and fully communicating with them is the key to ensure the success of custom LCD screens. Hope this article can help you better understand and choose custom LCD screens.

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